Workload Indicators

Workload Indicators Table

Do Priority Areas and Indicators

Impact Initiatives


Initiative 1 - Increasing the sustainability, profitability, and competitiveness of agricultural and horticultural enterprises.

  1. Sustainability of production systems and alternatives (Animal Systems, Food Systems, Plant Systems, Integrated Pest Management)
  2. Farm economics, entrepreneurship, and management
  3. Citizen awareness of food systems and the environment


Initiative 2 - Enhancing and protecting water quality, quantity and supply.

  1. Water conservation
  2. Water quality (Urban, Agriculture, Public awareness)

Natural Resources

Initiative 3 - Enhancing and conserving Florida’s natural resources and environmental quality.

  1. Informed community decision making
  2. Natural resources operations and invasive species
  3. Environmental literacy and sustainability


Initiative 4 - Producing and conserving traditional and alternative forms of energy.

  1. Conservation practices and efficiency improvement
  2. Alternative energy solutions
  3. Community capacity development

Individual and Family Development

Initiative 5 - Empowering individuals and families to build healthy lives and achieve social and economic success.

  1. Health and Wellness
  2. Family Resource Management
  3. Nutrition and Food Systems

Community Development

Initiative 6 - Strengthening urban and rural community resources and economic development.

  1. Economic development and entrepreneurship
  2. Community capacity building
  3. Public policy education

4-H Youth

Initiative 7 - Preparing youth to be responsible citizens and productive members of the workforce.

  1. Youth development
  2. Developing organizational and volunteer systems to support youth development