Learning Objectives

At the end of this segment you should:

  • Know your instructors and fellow participants
  • Have reflected on your role in the group
  • Be able to state a reason to engage with agroecology


Presentation Notes


  1. -- Round of Introductions --

    1. What is your name?
    2. Where are you from (originally)?
    3. What is your role in IFAS?
    4. What is your area of work?
    5. Where is your favorite place?
    6. Why chose an IST about agroecology?
  2. -- Why Agroecology --

    You’ve just had a chance to learn about the history of agroecology and the motivation for your instructors and hosts to engage with agroecology.

    1. Take a moment to reflect on the answer you gave to the group during introductions. Would your answer be similar or different? Would you add anything?
    2. Find a neighbor with a similar area to yours. Discuss your response to #1. Did you have a similar or different reaction?
    3. Repeat #2 with a neighbor who has a different area to yours.